These are the Guidelines for the Six Minute Interview

Please ensure that these simple guidelines are adhered to or the publication of your interview may be delayed or rejected.

First and Last Name

This must be the name of the person featured in the interview


Please list the nearest major city, US State/County/Province, Zip or Postcode and Country

Biography and Interview

Please create your biography in the third person  (200-500 words) and your interview in the first person.

Please include how people can connect with you, links to your website, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter etc

Please include the questions with your answers


Should be ideally 1000 pixels wide by 500 pixels high. A minimum of 600 pixels wide is required.

Acceptable formats are jpeg or png file


Please forward the Six Minute Interview to one person who you believe would make an excellent interviewee on The Six Minute Interview – please cc me at john[at]jbdcolley[dot]com.

Terms and Conditions

Please read the Terms and Conditions which you will be required to confirm when you submit your Interview.  They can be found here.